WEBINAR: Making Southeast Asia's education systems work | Melbourne Asia Review

Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Indonesia, Philippines and Myanmar have all made significant strides in improving access to education in recent decades, but made little progress in improving learning outcomes.

This webinar explores why this is the case, going beyond consideration of immediate causes such as underfunding, perverse incentive structures, low administrative capacity, etc. to consider the political obstacles. Panelists analyse ways in which the obstacles to improved learning might be overcome and the implications for international and domestic actors concerned about improving education within the region.

  • Andrew Rosser, Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at the Asia Institute
  • Dr Kidjie Saguin, an Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam
  • Dr Khaing Phyu Htut, an education advisor to the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Myanmar

Rosser and Saguin have published extensively on the politics of education reform in Indonesia and the Philippines respectively while Htut has extensive experience working in Myanmar’s education sector as an academic, consultant and advisor.

Image credit: Elizabeth Lizzie/Pexels.


education Indonesia Myanmar Philippines politics Southeast Asia