Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.
Edition 9, 2022
The power politics of the Indo-Pacific in and after COVID-19
INTRODUCTION: The geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific
The war in Ukraine has thrown into relief the prospects for peace in the Indo-Pacific.
- Professor Timothy J. Lynch and Professor Robert S. Ross
Biden’s China policy following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan
The impacts on perceptions of US power in the Indo-Pacific are now unavoidably tied to the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- Professor Shi Yinhong
South Korea’s geopolitics: Challenges and strategic choices
It will not be easy for the Yoon government to totally ignore the geopolitical and geoeconomic threats coming from China.
- Professor Moon Chung-in & Sung-won Lee
North Korea’s nuclear weapons have not been a ‘game changer’
Pyongyang is a regional irritant and international outlaw government, but it hasn't become more aggressive since becoming a de facto nuclear weapons state.
- Dr Denny Roy
China and Australia: Economic decoupling?
Trade has caught most headlines, but it is the volume of capital flow between the two countries that speaks to declining levels of trust and good will.
- Assistant Professor Dan (Diane) Hu
How India is dealing with China’s rising power
India has strengthened ties with most of its South Asian neighbours, the US and Russia, while at the same time participating in security groupings with China.
- Dr Pradeep Taneja
India and the Quad: Chinese belligerence and Indian resilience
New Delhi has not been shy of challenging Beijing’s actions on its disputed borders and other matters.
- Professor Harsh V. Pant
The more things change…How regional security multilateralism in the Asia Pacific is evolving
How relevant is ASEAN's brand of inclusive multilateralism amid the growth of minilateral and non-ASEAN-centred arrangements such as AUKUS?
- Assistant Professor Sarah Teo
INTERVIEW: Women play a key role in preventing geopolitical conflict and the success of peacekeeping initiatives
The lives of civilians, particularly women, are often overlooked in relation to the impact of geopolitical competition.
- Natasha Stott Despoja AO
WEBINAR: The prospects of great power war in the Indo-Pacific
The war in Ukraine invites us to consider the prospects for conflict in Australia’s region.
WEBINAR: The case for feminist foreign policy in Asia
Feminist foreign policy is an approach which places gender equality as the central goal of foreign policy, in recognition that gender equality is a predictor of peaceful and flourishing societies.
Edition 9, 2022
The power politics of the Indo-Pacific in and after COVID-19
The sources and prospects of U.S.-China security competition
Mutual restraint will be necessary to prevent a continued spiral of tension and increased risk of war.
- Professor Robert Ross
Is China a threat not because it is strong but because it is weak?
The rise of China is central to the international relations of the Indo-Pacific. But what if that rise has been overstated?
- Professor Timothy J. Lynch
The U.S.-China Power Transition: An assessment of China’s internal view
It is vital to understand how Chinese policymakers and analysts view the regional order, whether one agrees with them or not.
- Professor Sungmin Cho
What does Southeast Asia want from Australia?
The region wants Australia to be a stabiliser, not a destabiliser.
- Melissa Conley Tyler and Sarah Allan
Contested Asia and the return of the Quadrilateral Security Initiative
If the Quad becomes a major component of Asia’s security architecture then it is likely to stoke competition between China and the US rather than damp it down.
- Professor Nick Bisley
Out of balance: Central Asia enters the post-Western era
Russian and Chinese-led regional security organisations are providing the bulk of governance and order in the absence of the US and its allies.
- Professor Alexander Cooley
Fear, honour and interests: Cooperation, competition and contestation and Australia’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific
The combination of great power contestation, coupled with governance and environmental challenges points to the need for visionary management by Australia.
- Professor John Blaxland
Is AUKUS really an ‘alliance’?
Questions remain as to the exact nature of AUKUS and what it means for Australia and the Indo-Pacific.
- Dr Thomas Wilkins
Indonesia’s pandemic foreign policy: Between pragmatism and Jokowi’s legacy
Jakarta seems to be playing a long game: keeping the great powers from outright conflict while reaping as many benefits as possible.
- Muhamad Arif
Australia-Japan political and security ties reach new heights
The Australia-Japan relationship is based on complementarity and mutual interests that have been able to withstand difficult periods.
- Dr David Walton
The evolving diplomacy of Australia-China relations 2020-2021: The view from Australia
The relationship is currently at its lowest ebb since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972, with scope for matters to further deteriorate.
- Elena Collinson
Contest for the Indo-Pacific: Why China Won’t Map the Future, updated edition by Rory Medcalf
Does the Ukraine conflict reinforce Medcalf’s argument or strengthen the position of those advocating accommodation with a ‘preeminent’ China?
- Professor Derek McDougall
WEBINAR: What does Southeast Asia want from Australia?
Amid great power competition between China and the US, will Australia deepen its engagement with Southeast Asia?
Featured articles
‘Slum Imaginaries and Spatial Justice in Philippine Cinema’ by Katrina Macapagal
Laurence Marvin S. Castillo
The next phase of China’s water infrastructure: a national water grid
Zhang Wenjing, Jiang Hong & Dr Sarah Rogers
China really is impacting Australian elections (and has been for some time)
Emerita Professor Carol Johnson
Women: missing (but) in action in Japanese politics
Professor Donna Weeks