
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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COVID-19: The politics of local responses in Indonesia

  • Trissia Wijaya,

Indonesia has been widely criticised for a weak national response to COVID-19. But sub-national governments have also played an important role.

Overcoming Oligarchy? The UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the Philippines. (中文)

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

Major human rights abuses and even business-related killings are widespread in the Philippines.

India and Australia’s federal systems have responded fairly well to COVID-19. But the US system hasn’t

  • Dr Niranjan Sahoo,

COVID-19 is laying bare the strengths and weaknesses of federal systems, and the US system is showing itself to be weak.

Great Power Blame Game: The Ongoing War of Words Over COVID-19. (中文)

  • Melissa Conley Tyler, Tiffany Liu ,

中文 (Chinese translation) Over recent weeks, the US and China have used increasingly strong rhetoric around the COVID-19 pandemic. The relationship between the US and

Singapore’s massive COVID-19 oversight

  • Dr Sow Keat Tok,

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic Singapore’s response was exemplary. But not anymore.