Maintaining pluralism in authoritarian systems: Lessons from Turkey and beyond | Melbourne Asia Review

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Turkey’s new authoritarianism has created a highly reduced operating environment for the Turkish opposition to contest Erdoğan’s power. Yet despite these political transformations, there is an ongoing resistance which has not only denied political hegemony to Erdoğan and his party but is critical to maintaining political pluralism. This webinar will look at how the political opposition in Turkey has survived under an authoritarian system and how it has found new ways of resisting and preventing the consolidation of authoritarian rule. Discussion will draw upon other experiences to help sketch out lessons from other authoritarian contexts.


Dr Tezcan Gümüş
Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne

Iain MacGillivray
PhD Candidate, School of Social & Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne

Dr Dara Conduit
Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Education, Alfred Deakin Institute, Deakin University

Dr William Gourlay
School of Social Sciences, Monash University and Research Associate, Deakin University

With an introduction by Associate Professor Matthew Nelson, Asia Institute; chaired by Melissa Conley Tyler, Research Fellow, Asia Institute.


authoritarianism Erdoğan opposition