
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Social reengineering in the name of security in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

  • Dr Michael Clarke,

‘Becoming family’: the extreme securitisation of Uyghur identity in China.

Many Asian nations are experiencing a revival of religion in public and political life

  • Professor Azyumardi Azra,

Religion is returning to public and political life in many Asian countries contrary to predictions about the inevitable decline of religion due to modernisation.

What is Islam? The highly contested debate about ‘Islam’ in Bangladeshi politics and culture

  • Dr Mubashar Hasan,

‘Islam’ in Bangladesh should be understood as a phenomenon with complex meanings.

Sydney’s imams and engagement with the religious ‘other’: sermons after the ‘Lindt Café Siege’

  • Dr Husnia Underabi,

Muslims have taken on an active role to convey that Islam is a religion of peace.

Muslim communities in Australia and the ‘mainstreaming’ of outer-group suspicion and apprehension

  • Professor Fethi Mansouri,

Muslims tend to be characterised as the least desirable group of migrants and continue to be viewed with suspicion and apprehension.