
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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What is Islam? The highly contested debate about ‘Islam’ in Bangladeshi politics and culture

  • Dr Mubashar Hasan,

‘Islam’ in Bangladesh should be understood as a phenomenon with complex meanings.

Political Islam(s) in the Pakistani context: inclusionary and exclusionary

  • Hamza Surbuland,

In studying the tensions of Imran Khan’s politics, we can learn much about the intellectual currents of political Islam in Pakistan.

INTRODUCTION: The geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific

  • Professor Timothy J. Lynch and Professor Robert S. Ross,

The war in Ukraine has thrown into relief the prospects for peace in the Indo-Pacific.

Women: missing (but) in action in Japanese politics

  • Professor Donna Weeks,

Is Japan’s first female prime minister already in parliament or is she yet to be elected? The less optimistic among us wonder if she is yet to be born?

Asian-Australians in politics: overcoming the barriers

WEBINAR: Our special guests analyse the under-representation of Asian-Australians in politics and how it can be overcome.