Asian-Australians in politics: overcoming the barriers | Melbourne Asia Review

Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Our special guests analyse the under-representation of Asian-Australians in politics and how it can be overcome.

The Asia Institute’s Dr Surjeet Dhanji presents a summary of her recent research on some of the individual, community and systemic barriers faced by Indian Australians seeking to enter politics.

We’ll then turn to a panel discussion of Asian-Australian politicians discussing their experiences: 

  • Gladys Liu MP, Federal Member for Chisholm

  • Kaushaliya Vaghela MP, State MP for Western Metro Region

  • Daniel Long Nguyễn, Former Mayor of the City of Yarra

Professor Andrew Rosser, Deputy Director and Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne.

Melissa Conley Tyler, Research Fellow, Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne.

Main image: Australia Day parade. Credit: Gavin Anderson/Flickr.


Asian Australians Australian parliament barriers to representation democracy politics