
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Echoes of future past: The continued hyper-securitisation of Islam and Muslims

  • Dr David Tittensor,

What is the current place of Islam in the imaginary of Australia and other nations given that it continues to be securitised more than 20 years after 9/11?

INTRODUCTION: The politics of social policy in Asia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

Asia’s social welfare systems remain underdeveloped and skewed in favour of particular groups, despite rising inequality, ageing populations, labour precarity and rural-urban migration.

Is social policy now a well-established but ‘new’ form of economic development?

  • Dr Adam Fforde,

Economies such as Vietnam are growing in ways that shift economic activity to services rather than manufacturing.

The struggle for universal healthcare in Asia

  • Azad Singh Bali,

There is a tendency to assume a lack of money is the main barrier to achieving universal healthcare. But there are a range of other issues.

VIDEO: Civil Society in Asia 4: International Conference in Melbourne (part 2)

Speakers draw attention to the diverse ways in which civil society operates, the forms it takes, the approaches it embraces, and the effects it has.