
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 作者:伊恩·帕尔米特(Ian Parmeter),

自2020年初,原本就处于政治和经济动荡之中的中东地区根本无力应对新冠疫情 …


  • 作者:拉尔比·萨迪奇教授 (Professor Larbi Sadiki) 莱拉·萨利赫副教授(Associate Professor Layla Saleh),


Language is important in the prosecution of conflicts, particularly in the Middle East

  • Professor Yasir Suleiman,

Language provides an echo chamber for political conflict through its role as a symbol that conveys extra-linguistic meanings.

The COVID-19 pandemic and possibilities for Arab ‘risk society’

  • Professor Larbi Sadiki & Associate Professor Layla Saleh,

COVID-19 may afflict without discrimination, but not all polities, economies and societies can equally withstand its damage and rebuild in its aftermath.

Muslim communities in Australia and the ‘mainstreaming’ of outer-group suspicion and apprehension

  • Professor Fethi Mansouri,

Muslims tend to be characterised as the least desirable group of migrants and continue to be viewed with suspicion and apprehension.