
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Elections 2024, hybrid regimes and the future of democracy in Pakistan

  • Dr Nadeem Malik,

The military’s actions have led to the most severe political crisis since 2018 and the future of democracy seems bleak.

Exclusion, mistrust and coercion: Religious minorities and Islamic nationhood in Pakistan

  • Dr Imran Ahmed,

Mapping theological tolerance of unbelief, heterodoxy and orthodoxy in Pakistan remains the subject of intense political contestation.

Islamic challenges to Pakistan’s transgender rights law

  • Professor Jeffrey A. Redding,

Pakistan broke ground in 2018 with its legislation of a transgender rights law. But how has the situation unfolded since then?

Political Islam(s) in the Pakistani context: inclusionary and exclusionary

  • Hamza Surbuland,

In studying the tensions of Imran Khan’s politics, we can learn much about the intellectual currents of political Islam in Pakistan.

WEBINAR: Taliban Afghanistan, two months in

Two months into the Taliban take-over of Afghanistan – where are we now?