
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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A reflection on language and identity in Indonesia

  • Dr Justin Wejak,

A personal illustration of the interconnectedness between language and identity as dynamic entities.

‘queerqueen: Linguistic Excess in Japanese Media’ by Claire Maree

  • Associate Professor Cindi SturtzSreetharan,

What linguistic anthropologist Miyako Inoue did for Japanese women’s language, Maree has done for onē-kotoba and onē-kyara—the language of queerqueen personalities.

From ‘human nature’ to ‘sex’: sexualising ‘xing’ and reimagining sex in Chinese 中文

  • Yahia Zhengtang Ma,

The Chinese character ‘xing’ (性 ) has had varied usage and multiple meanings across time.

Quarantine, masks and dis/ease: social discourses of COVID-19 in Japan and Korea

WEBINAR: How COVID-19 is changing language and social norms in Japan and South Korea.

Edition 2 Introduction

  • Dr Ikuko Nakane, Dr Michael Ewing,

Power relationships are created, maintained and disputed through the ways in which the world is understood through language.