
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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What motivates Japanese language learners in Australia and beyond?

  • Hiroko Ohashi & Dr Jun Ohashi,

The common promotional discourses of ‘employability’ and ‘international trade’ related to Japanese language learning do not reflect learners’ motivations.

How well does Australia know China?

  • Professorial Fellow, Anne McLaren,

Enrollments in Chinese Honours programs have fallen off a cliff in the past ten years or so.

INTRODUCTION: The contemporary challenges facing plurilingual societies

  • Associate Professor Michael Ewing,

The power structures needed to create and enforce common systems of communication can simultaneously disadvantage others.

Learning to speak each other’s languages, again

  • Philipp Ivanov, Shazleen Lateef ,

Understanding each other’s languages and cultures will help overcome the vulnerabilities in Australia’s multiculturalism and its engagement with Asia exposed by COVID-19.

Global Arabic Studies: Lessons from a Transnational Asian Heritage. (中文)

  • Tarek Makhlouf ,

Arabic studies should go beyond the Arabic world to include Arabic language, culture, script and literature through Asia.