
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Demography and deathcare in a changing East Asia

As East Asian countries like Japan, China and South Korea experience rapid population ageing due to declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy, the demographic shift in the land of the living is having a parallel impact on what happens after life.

Trickle-down tensions: The hydropolitics of transboundary river systems in Asia

The rivers of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, a lifeline for hundreds of millions of people across Asia, are a hotbed of geopolitical tension.

Is Indonesia’s labor movement stuck in neutral?

What will it take to significantly improve workers’ ability to organize and fight for their rights in Indonesia?

Searching for work life balance in South Korea

Relentless work in South Korea has resulted in related deaths and is playing a part in the nation’s falling fertility rate. How can South Koreans find a way to a healthier work-life balance?

What to watch for in India during Narendra Modi’s 3rd term as PM

While Modi secured a historic third term as India’s PM in recent elections, he no longer presides over an outright parliamentary majority by his party, the BJP.