
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 作者:玛瑞·克莱尔博士(Dr Claire Maree),


WEBINAR: The importance of learning Asian languages

Where does Australia need to be by 2030 and how do we get there?

Language is important in the prosecution of conflicts, particularly in the Middle East

  • Professor Yasir Suleiman,

Language provides an echo chamber for political conflict through its role as a symbol that conveys extra-linguistic meanings.

Will Muslim-Majority States Recognise the Afghan Taliban’s ‘Islamic’ Regime?

  • Associate Professor Matthew J. Nelson,

Security-conscious Muslim-majority states should pause before deciding to recognise it.

INTRODUCTION: The contemporary challenges facing plurilingual societies

  • Associate Professor Michael Ewing,

The power structures needed to create and enforce common systems of communication can simultaneously disadvantage others.