
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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How South Korea has kept the impact of COVID-19 on jobs in check

  • Associate Professor Kyoung-Hee Yu ,

Women have been hardest hit by COVID-related job losses in South Korea, but the jobs market generally has been resilient.

INTERVIEW: From Socialist China’s democracy movement to escalating military tensions

  • Professorial Fellow, Anne McLaren,

Over the last 50 years, China has experienced a tectonic shift from an impoverished nation with a significant democracy movement to global power with increasing political repression.

South Korea’s prospects for a middle-power alliance in the era of COVID-19

  • Professor Taekyoon Kim,

The COVID-19 crisis has created opportunities to reinvigorate middle-power coalitions.

Governance or social resilience: Learning from Southeast Asia’s experience with COVID-19

WEBINAR: How Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam are weathering the COVID-19 crisis.

As COVID-19 escalates in Indonesia, responses are fractured and fractious. (Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia)

  • Dr Rebecca Meckelburg & Dr Charan Bal,

Elite interests continue to dominate Indonesia’s pandemic response at a national level, but there’s community resilience at the grassroots.