
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Securitisation of Muslims in India is as old as modernisation and nation-statisation

  • Professor Irfan Ahmad,

To see securitisation as an outcome of 9/11 and the so-called war on terror is simplistic.

INTRODUCTION: The politics of social policy in Asia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

Asia’s social welfare systems remain underdeveloped and skewed in favour of particular groups, despite rising inequality, ageing populations, labour precarity and rural-urban migration.

Health and democracy in India: Do voters care about health?

  • Oliver Heath, Jyoti Mishra, Louise Tillin & Sandhya Venkateswaran,

New research shows that health looms larger as a concern for Indian voters than previously assumed.

Stewardship & governance of the medical profession & the salience of trust: Comparing the UK & India

  • Professor Sumit Kane & Professor Michael Calnan,

Both nations have moved away from a self-regulation model, partly due to scandals about performance and practices.

INTRODUCTION – Changing one’s world view: the potentially transformative power of Asian language(s) and culture(s)

  • Dr Jun Ohashi,

Learning an Asian language can serve as a bulwark against rising nationalism and xenophobia.