
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 雷努·辛格(Renu Singh),


印度学生如何在疫情初期应澳大利亚政府要求 “回国” 并利用 WhatsApp 发声

  • 苏尔吉特·丹吉博士和穆舒米·慕克吉博士 (Dr Surjeet Dogra Dhanji & Dr Mousumi Mukherjee),



  • 奥利弗·希思(Oliver Heath);乔蒂·米夏(Jyoti Mishra);路易丝·蒂林(Louise Tillin);桑德雅·文卡特斯瓦兰(Sandhya Venkateswaran),

长期以来, 印度对医疗系统的投资一直不足 …

INTRODUCTION: Gender, the environment and migration: ‘safety and belonging’ in and around Asia

  • Professor Claire Maree,

This edition offers potential new frameworks to explore how gender impacts mobility and feelings of belonging and safety in and around Asia.

The role of smartphones in restricting and facilitating freedoms for young women in India

  • Renu Singh,

Communications technology is used to maintain gendered moral surveillance over women, but the technology also provides emancipatory potential.