
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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WEBINAR: Korean language, society and identity

South Korea’s strong sense of nationalism, often grounded in the ability to speak Korean, can result in discrimination and prejudice.

The genocide of 1965 in Flores, Indonesia, and what’s needed for reconciliation

  • Dr Justin Wejak,

The Indonesian genocide of 1965 is yet to be fully resolved and will continue to haunt Indonesia if no attempts are made to reconcile with


  • 陈怡萱博士(Yi-shiuan Yayut Chen) ,



  • 费丽琦 (Philippa Riley) ,



  • 温忠孝博士 (Dr Dédé Oetomo) ,

当今的印度尼西亚似乎仍然难以接受非传统的性认同 …