
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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‘International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific: Letters to Coronavirus’, edited by Yi’En Cheng

  • Ratna Erika M. Suwarno,

‘Letters to Coronavirus’ highlights the insightful personal reflections of international students on their anxiety, immobility and futures.


  • 汪诗薇博士(Dr Sylvia Ang),宋智英副教授(Associate Professor Jay Song),潘秋萍博士(Dr Qiuping Pan),


Gender equity reversals and women’s responses to COVID-19 in rural Indonesia

  • A/Prof Rachael Diprose, Dr Ken M.P. Setiawan & Bronwyn Beech Jones,

Women who had developed skills, networks, knowledge, and confidence through CSO programs were better placed to respond to the pandemic.

Pandemic racism and sexism in Australia: responses from Asian migrant women

  • Dr Sylvia Ang, Associate Professor Jay Song & Dr Qiuping Pan,

Studies that address the intersection of pandemic-related racism and sexism are lacking and the experiences of Asian women have been neglected.

State-society relations in a pandemic: an Asian Australian perspective

  • Haina Lee & Dr Jay Song ,

Some of the communitarian values and compromise on individuals rights for the sake of public health may have become common Australian values during the COVID-19 pandemic