
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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How the hyper-securitisation of Muslims in Malaysia is dividing society

  • Associate Professor Gerhard Hoffstaedter and Aslam Abd Jalil,

The division between Muslims and non-Muslims is widening and threatens Malaysia’s delicate form of multiculturalism.

France’s anti-separatism law is increasing the securitisation of Muslims

  • Assistant Professor Imène Ajala,

France’s anti-separatism law seems to suggest that one cannot be French and Muslim at the same time.

Securitisation of Muslims in India is as old as modernisation and nation-statisation

  • Professor Irfan Ahmad,

To see securitisation as an outcome of 9/11 and the so-called war on terror is simplistic.

WEBINAR: Gender and Sexuality in Islamic Politics

This event examines current trends, and current debates, in the study of gender and minority affairs within Muslim contexts.

INTRODUCTION: Islam and inter/intra-religious relations in Asia

  • Professor Abdullah Saeed & Associate Professor Matthew Nelson,

Understanding the past, present, and future of religious relations in Asia hugely important.