
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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INTRODUCTION: Questions and challenges for civil society and human rights in Asia

  • Dr Anthony J. Spires,

As elsewhere, many societies in Asia have recently witnessed the rapid rise of populists and democratic regression.

Understanding why, when and how Australia promotes human rights in Asia

  • Melissa Conley Tyler,

In pursuing its foreign policy, Australia has to balance various interests in human rights, security and prosperity.

The year of daring: revisiting the Philippine left’s dalliance with a strongman

  • Emerson M. Sanchez & Dr Jayson S. Lamchek,

Given Duterte’s open endorsement of mass killings and
anti-human rights rhetoric, how was an alliance possible with the left movement?

Building a community for sexual orientation and gender identity rights in ASEAN

  • Professor Meredith Weiss,

If ASEAN is unlikely to see its way toward SOGIE rights, the arena it reifies arguably helps activists navigate strategies.