
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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The Contradictions in Anwar’s Civilising Mission in Malaysia

  • Dr S. Munirah Alatas,

Many are missing out on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s vision for inclusion and prosperity while political allies are indulged.

The Mixed Economic Record of Joko Widodo

  • Howard Dick,

Jokowi leaves a mixed economic legacy. Fixing a weak tax system and a lethargic energy transition will be two of the big challenges for Indonesia’s next president.

Measuring ‘what?’ and ‘how?’ Welfare development and the dependent variable problem within East Asian social policy analysis

  • Associate Professor Stefan Kühner,

In order to properly analyse a nation’s social policy , clarity is needed about key trends and drivers of welfare development.

INTRODUCTION: The politics of social policy in Asia

  • Professor Andrew Rosser,

Asia’s social welfare systems remain underdeveloped and skewed in favour of particular groups, despite rising inequality, ageing populations, labour precarity and rural-urban migration.

Australia and Southeast Asia: Australia needs a new plan 

  • Honorary Professorial Fellow Richard Robison,

Reform of Australia’s relations with Southeast Asia requires fundamental change in the political interests driving the Southeast Asian agenda within Australia.