
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 亚历山大·库利教授 (Professor Alexander Cooley),


Rethinking civil society in Afghanistan

  • Dr Salim Lakha,

Western donors and others have not given enough attention to strengthening local civil society actors.

Reflections on Afghanistan’s economic development: Is China the answer?

  • Imran Zakeria,

If China invests in Afghanistan its economy would improve which is crucial to overall regional stability.

Afghanistan’s laws and legal institutions under the Taliban

  • Assistant Professor Haroun Rahimi,

For the Taliban, the state’s main purpose is not protecting individual rights, but making individuals honor their obligations.

Out of balance: Central Asia enters the post-Western era

  • Professor Alexander Cooley,

Russian and Chinese-led regional security organisations are providing the bulk of governance and order in the absence of the US and its allies.