
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Asian-Australians: quiet migration or immigration indigestion?

WEBINAR: Contrasting the case studies of South Korean and Chinese migration to Australia.

The under-representation of Asian-Australians: political order and political delay

  • Grant Wyeth,

The health of Australia’s political institutions requires recognition of the broader value of Asian-Australians as civic equals.

The place, voice and portrayal of Asians in Australia

  • Dr Jay Song & Associate Professor Claire Maree,

COVID-19 and growing tension between Australia and China makes it increasingly important to achieve diversity and inclusion in all aspects of Australian society.

Representing Asian Australianness in 2020 … one soap opera at a time 中文

  • Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty ,

In an age of hyper-connectivity and availability of global cultural material, the neglect of home-grown Asian Australian content and talent is acute.

State-society relations in a pandemic: an Asian Australian perspective

  • Haina Lee & Dr Jay Song ,

Some of the communitarian values and compromise on individuals rights for the sake of public health may have become common Australian values during the COVID-19 pandemic