
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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As COVID-19 escalates in Indonesia, responses are fractured and fractious. (Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia)

  • Dr Rebecca Meckelburg & Dr Charan Bal,

Elite interests continue to dominate Indonesia’s pandemic response at a national level, but there’s community resilience at the grassroots.

New forms of oppositional politics in Erdoğan’s Turkey

  • Dr Tezcan Gümüş & Iain MacGillivray ,

Turkey’s transformation into authoritarianism has been radical, but the political contest is far from over.

Pandemic politics in South Asia: Muslims and democracy

  • Associate Professor Matthew J. Nelson,

Leaders in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan may succeed in defeating COVID-19 only to discover they have killed their democracies in the process.

Interview: In-depth analysis of the Hong Kong security law and its implications

  • Professor Vivienne Bath,

As the dust settles on Hong Kong’s newly imposed security law, a legal expert analyses the law’s wide content and scope.

The Taliban develops regional relationships as it makes territorial gains in Afghanistan

  • Dr Zahid Shahab Ahmed, Abbas Farasoo & Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh,

As the Taliban and Afghan government begin peace talks, the Taliban is on the diplomatic front foot.