
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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  • 彼得·纳托尔 (Peter Nuttall) ,


《全面启动:释放清洁能源供应链潜力》书评,原作者艾伦·芬克尔(Alan Finkel)

  • 苏瓦伊蒙博士(Dr Su Wai Mon) ,



  • 哈尼扎·伊德里斯博士(Dr Hanizah Idris),


INTRODUCTION: Shipping supply chains in Asia are being tested by global crises

  • Dr Troy Lee-Brown & Professor Bec Strating ,

Maritime supply chains are crucial for societies and economies worldwide, but they’re being tested by war, tension in the South China Sea, climate change, a push for decarbonisation and many other issues.

Indo Pacific fish stocks face multiple challenges

  • Andreas Aditya Salim,

Fish stocks, critical for food and livelihoods, are under pressure from human population growth, illegal fishing and climate change.