
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Invigorating Indonesian studies in Australia through collaborative, online education practices

  • Dr Howard Manns, A/Prof Michael Ewing, A/Prof Sharyn Davies & Dr Jess Kruk,

Indonesian student numbers in Australia have been in freefall for decades. What can be done about it?

Why the history and context of words are important – the example of ‘xiansheng’

  • Yang Wang,

Unless language students are taught the history and context of words, cultural misunderstanding occurs.

Australia would be a better regional neighbour if it were better at Asian languages

  • Dr Rowena Ward,

Enrolments in Asian language programs in Australia are too low. A look at why Japanese has been so successful may help.

Fitting in at last? Learners of Japanese as community language in search of belonging and legitimacy

  • Dr Kaya Oriyama & Dr Naomi Kurata,

JCL learners need to be recognised not as problems but assets with the potential to become a bridge between Japan and Australia.

The importance of fitting society and culture into Australian university language courses

  • Dr Jonathan Benney,

Language learning should facilitate cultural understanding and this requires contentious aspects of culture to be examined.