
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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North Korea’s nuclear weapons have not been a ‘game changer’

  • Dr Denny Roy,

Pyongyang is a regional irritant and international outlaw government, but it hasn’t become more aggressive since becoming a de facto nuclear weapons state.

INTRODUCTION: The geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific

  • Professor Timothy J. Lynch and Professor Robert S. Ross,

The war in Ukraine has thrown into relief the prospects for peace in the Indo-Pacific.

Global Arabic Studies: Lessons from a Transnational Asian Heritage. (中文)

  • Tarek Makhlouf ,

Arabic studies should go beyond the Arabic world to include Arabic language, culture, script and literature through Asia.

Civil (and Uncivil) Society in Exile: North Korean ‘Balloon Warriors’ in South Korea

  • Dr Jay Song,

North Korean defectors in South Korea continue with civil and uncivil strategies to fight against their enemy.