
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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Islamic challenges to Pakistan’s transgender rights law

  • Professor Jeffrey A. Redding,

Pakistan broke ground in 2018 with its legislation of a transgender rights law. But how has the situation unfolded since then?

How the law in the Maldives paved the way for a Sunni legal tradition

  • Dr Shamsul Falaah,

It could be argued that Sunni Islam has been predominantly practised in the Maldives since the earliest written Islamic history.

Taliban law: Theory and practice

  • Associate Professor Matthew J. Nelson,

At a national level, intra-jihadi competition is likely to ensure a prominent role for Taliban hardliners.

The complexities of translating legal terms: Understanding Fa (法) and the Chinese concept of law

  • Lachlan Thomas-Walters,

Uncritically translating ‘fa’ directly to ‘law’ may may lead to social, cultural and legal misunderstanding.