
Melbourne Asia Review is an initiative of the Asia Institute. Any inquiries about Melbourne Asia Review should be directed to the Managing Editor, Cathy Harper.

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The more things change…How regional security multilateralism in the Asia Pacific is evolving

  • Assistant Professor Sarah Teo,

How relevant is ASEAN’s brand of inclusive multilateralism amid the growth of minilateral and non-ASEAN-centred arrangements such as AUKUS?

Australia-Japan political and security ties reach new heights

  • Dr David Walton,

The Australia-Japan relationship is based on complementarity and mutual interests that have been able to withstand difficult periods.

How India is dealing with China’s rising power

  • Dr Pradeep Taneja,

India has strengthened ties with most of its South Asian neighbours, the US and Russia, while at the same time participating in security groupings with China.

Is AUKUS really an ‘alliance’?

  • Dr Thomas Wilkins,

Questions remain as to the exact nature of AUKUS and what it means for Australia and the Indo-Pacific.